Michigan Brain Injury Provider Council [MBIPC]
The MBIPC is long recognized as a national leader, maintaining the nation’s best treatment system through an enlightened business league. Since 1987 the Michigan Brain Injury Provider Council, a 501 (c)(6) trade association has served providers in professions related to brain injury rehabilitation.
May 14, 2015 — Grand Rapids, MI
Case Management Society of America - Detroit [CMSA]
"We envision case managers as pioneers of healthcare change...key initiators of, and participants in the healthcare team who open up new areas of thought...research and development...leading the way toward the day when every American will know what a case/care manager does & will know how to access case/care management services."
August 18, 2015 — St Clair Shores, MI
October 13, 2015 — Livonia, MI
Michigan Self-Insurers' Association [MSIA]
The Michigan Self-Insurers' Association [MSIA] is a non-profit organization, originally organized in 1952. We are exclusively dedicated to educating employers on workers’ compensation issues and perpetuation of sound and conservative self-insurance for workers’ compensation.
June 10, 2015 — Grand Rapids, MI
Michigan Association of Rehabilitation Nurses [MIARN]
The Michigan chapter of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses was formed in 1977. Subsequently the Southwestern chapter and the Southeastern chapter were formed in an attempt to meet the needs of rehabilitation nurses throughout the state. In 2004 these two chapters merged to form MI-ARN, the Michigan chapter of ARN as it exists today.
MI-ARN seeks to facilitate state-wide involvement by: providing educational programs at various locations throughout the state; producing four or more Newsletters each year mailed to all members.
April 10, 2015 — Detroit, MI
Michigan Rehabilitation Services [MRS]
Michigan is home to approximately 1.3 million individuals with disabilities. MRS works with eligible customers and employers to achieve quality employment outcomes and independence for individuals with disabilities. We work in partnership with individuals with disabilities to prepare for and obtain competitive employment, including exploring the possibilities of self-employment or owning a small business. Employment services to individuals with disabilities are provided in all 83 Michigan counties.
September 30, 2015 — New Orleans, LA